You the sweet idea of a cliche boy, also known as gentleman sitting next to me trying to focus on the road and you are so beautiful Me the careful soul, also known as broken sitting next to you trying not to be too obvious and I am so scared We are the last kind of love story you'd imagine and the only kind we like and it is only the beginning Us the kind of people to pretend we don't love each other for the sake of other people I hope that you feel the same and I write as though I already know you do You are someone I can never figure out puzzle pieces shaped like rocks I can not see where each piece carves into the next but I can see you a year from now looking at me like you are right this second and smiling like you always do but we wont be just friends We will love like the wind loves the open valleys love like the trees love the soil love like the homeless love nickels I will love you and You will hopefully love me back So We will wait only until time reminds us that today is the day We love