You say rock I say row You connect and I glow When sky alights night showers ringing from bell towers You smile kaleidoscopes on my soft glimmering hopes and I flutter on water drops from high mountain tops rustle down with the leaves to your echoing pleas.
You say please take my hand I say don't try again
But it's heavy on earth in the rain And you know I'll give in once again when the sky darkens up and I see that a spotlight's on me and the strangeness it brings and the lightness of wings
And it's hard not to laugh when the air smiles in star shine and bells chime like sky rhymes even sitting on top of a mountain of clocks and giggling tripping and falling down rocks
And it's hard not to laugh at your persistence despite my resistance because we rock and row and connect and glow as sky alights night showers ringing from bell towers
and I would have been sinking in sand had I not grabbed your hand.