Gilderoy Lockhart - The Chamber of Secrets Leela - Futurama Laney Penn - Grojband Flonne - Disgaea Raquna - Etrian Odyssey Lilligant - Pokemon Gwen - Total Drama Island Dawn - Total Drama Revenge of the Island Wednesday Addams - Addams Family Thalia - Magic the Gathering Isperia - Magic the Gathering Cloistered Youth - Magic the Gathering Ellie Nash - Degrassi Gretchen - Camp Lake Bottom Nina - Crash Bandicoot Sunako Nakahara - The Wallflower Nami - Harvest Moon Georgia - Harvest Moon Falkenrath Noble - Magic the Gathering Marcelline - Adventure Time Flame Princess - Adventure Time Dorian Gray - The Portrait of Dorian Gray Finnick Odair - The Hunger Games Series Emma - Stoked