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Aug 2014
When I awake, half an eye open
I shrug off the fatigue of sleep
and Get ready for the day.
Getting ready to be a Rock star
I stare at my lonely, Pathetic, Insecure Reflection
look it square in the eye and tell it
It whimpers from starvation as I walk away from it.
My Star child kicks in as I'm walking to school.
My eyes have the power to stare into any mans soul and see them for who they are, not who they want to be.
My fists represent Glory and Justice and they are intolerable to any other thing
My heart is like a beating drum, savage and controlled loving everybody and everything. I walk from class to class and absorb the attention. the love. the admiration.
I walk home, chest out with pride.
I get home, and I look at my reflection
and it stares right into my soul. and its reality hits like a hammer.
My Rock star dies, and I'm left with me....

Oh how I hate it
Kyle Horstmann
Written by
Kyle Horstmann  Tucson, Arizona
(Tucson, Arizona)   
   ryann and SPT
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