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Aug 2014
A Dark storm cloud lays lazily just beyond the Horizon.
-Lightening flashes violently just out of reach
-Just out of sight, you cant see the bolt, or hear its thunder
-but you know its there by the illuminations of the cloud.
-the bright blue explosions that fill the cloud, that assimilates the mountains, encompassing everything.
You fear
but aren't afraid
For life is as the lightening is.
Its fleeting, and leaves us without a whisper, with out a goodbye.
And they to will fear us, and not be afraid.
For theirs is the same journey
and theirs is the same reward
Analyze this, and tell me what you think its about.
Kyle Horstmann
Written by
Kyle Horstmann  Tucson, Arizona
(Tucson, Arizona)   
   ---, ryann and ---
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