Am I doing this right? Do we punctuate in slow motion or should we scream with no meaning behind crystal words? And how do we define good from great? If we dream it, can we make it? If we want it, can we get it? Do my rhymes make ripples or meaningless disturbances? And will these ripples even cause waves? Will the motion become an ocean? To prove yourself is to move mountains, yet mountains come by so infrequently today.
We possess the story telling wiseman within us all. He belly laughs and wonders at tales of great. The music he produces out of his fingertips flow seamlessly within the words of old. And we wish to tell the novels inside of us yet we draw into each other like hibernation, And we ignore the signals written in front of us. Forever shading grey the power of our thoughts and feelings, Wiping our faces clean of originality.
Personally, I need the success I deserve. There's something inside that pushes the letters through my hands onto paper. The drive courses like hot maple syrup, Accelerating the existing liquids, Pushing my limits to get what I want. I want to prove I have to do this, But I was always caught wondering if these words I give were prescribed or abused under the table of lesser men. There will always be the greedy, the skeptical who question my right, who question my point of writing these rhymes. But I must keep going, Or these words will raisin, Shriveled and wasted in graves and ashes.
Inspired by The Asia Project. If anyone reads this and has not heard of them, look them up today, tonight, right now!