I looked up to the sky and saw the stars Each had a different glow Each had its special way And unexplainably: Each had something that made it different but sometimes you can only se that through a microscope When you look at it straight from the naked eye: they all look the same way And to the ignorant eye they all look like simple dots To me, even with the naked eye: they look like sparkles like diamonds in the sky and sometimes I choose to hope and to decide for my self that they belong to me... Each and everyone of those stars Make me feel like something that matters like an escape from reality to a world where I'm in the sky My name is Estrella Which means Star And I fell like I belong there sharing the huge sky with other stars with other sparkles and diamonds With other great people who have fought for years, or months, or weeks, or even days. but fighters, cuz in the end everyone had their battles and everyone belongs in their own world of happiness and dreams And no one is an exception to a space with the stars...