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Aug 2014
To understand pain you must have experienced it
Some say they understand
But have the nerve to tell someone in true pain to get over it.
As if the pain could be quelled with time and no help
As if theyve ever had to hide all the pain behind a smile and had it rough
Like theyre playing off a bluff in a game of cards
and never had to deal with the pain of a broken heart
And never had to put up with the insults like ***, nerd, emo and goth just because they wanted to be different and thought people would love it
But the insults cut deep like a knife wielding creep that keeps stabbing deeper until it finally hits the core
And you just cant take anymore
You think youve had it tough
When the person beside you has a life even more rough
They go home each day and cant help but say "I am not good enough"
So its their wrists that they cut
Like a dissection gone wrong
Going through depression
With sadness that comes back over and over like a sick obsession
And still people sit there and with aggression tell them that theyre stupid and will never go anywhere and keep a cold stare with a deep hate as if they cant come to accept them and judge the outside without knowing the beauty of their personality and when in reality they are the kindest person you could ever meet but the "cool kids" find them unacceptable
They are susceptible to pain because of the way their life is going like the crash of a long dark passenger train
The tears in their eyes are caused by the fears of being hated
On the inside they are amazing and its simply love they are craving
For once perhaps you could care and help them feel at home
Because it hurts be alone.
My first poem written. I want to thank Poet writers society for bringing me out of my shell and sharing it
The Lonely Bear
Written by
The Lonely Bear
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