on the cusp of being Vegas bound with a car full of old friends, howling like hounds yet somehow it hangs heavy on my heart as if this is the last time that things will feel almost like the used to back in highschool and ever after the sounds of our laughter will fade further and further as we drift apart like leaves resting on water
this is something that gives me much anxiety because I love them, they were there for all the bad and good, they have no need to speak words when I let it slip that, "I miss Ed" or "You guys are the reason I'm not dead" they can just look at me, nod, give a hug and I know they know what I'm feeling, that they care. I'm just worried about them turning into old photos that I talk to but that don't talk back, ya know? I'm worried about saying goodbye, instead of see you soon....
Daniel Magner 2014 If you read this on a phone turn it horizontal so that the lines look right, or don't, I just write the words, it's up to you to decide how you want to read it