The world I inhabited was speckled with eyes- malicious eyes, watching my every move- it was a terrifying place.
I could feel that everything was alive around me. Everything had a heartbeat and everything breathed its hot breath on me.
I wanted to hide but the eyes were everywhere. They were on buildings, ingrained in trees, peering through every *****, city window.
I ran as far as I could until there was no where else to run. I was as close to the sky as possible, feeling the world's musty breath rake through my hair.
The sky was dark and gray and the clouds glared at me angrily, wondering why I would venture so close to their territory. I tried to tell them that it was my last option, there was no where else to run, but they wouldn't listen.
Bumps formed on my pale skin. Goosebumps. The dark clouds were pushed away by a cool breeze. The sky cleared, showing its bright blue face. The only clouds left were white and puffy. They had faces, but they were smiling at me.
I inspected the clouds closely. Within each cloud were multiple faces- they were the faces of every god, every deity, every spirit- that ever was. They smiled at me and I felt my face forming a small grin.
I could feel the walls around me breathing, I could see them inhaling and exhaling. They were surrounding me, protecting me like a father. I glanced at the buildings that dotted the sky. They smiled at me, too.
I could feel everything in the world around me releasing feelings and asking for me to do the same. The eyes looked at me encouragingly, coaxing me to join the world.
I breathed a deep breath, in and out, and felt the world do the same.