My eyes drink your curves
I love you with every inch
Smooth, embodied of grace
I watch you, engrossed
Reading deeply, a book
A touch of your hair
Gently out of place
Pushing it, fingertip
Along your skin
The look is quick
Large beautiful eyes
Librarian, framed in glass
Hair, wound, coiled on top
Almost styled, but for function
Sensual, but not designed
Black, almost blue
Against caramel delight
Painted fingers, swipe
Pause, then strike
Pointed index
Patterns of write
Quickly then pause
And quickly again
Poking almost ***
Lips pursed, tongue just a slip
Hungry, my eyes drink
Down your long fragile neck
A shoulder, almost sinful
So sensual, relaxed
Long legs, calves crossed
Thirst for your thighs
Your hips call for hands
Your sides, my grip
*******, rise, fall, breathe
Unnoticed I stand
Your teasing only to me
I want you in heat
My librarian
So deep
She's reading erotica, I know it!