there is a comfort that comes with having more than enough indica more than enough alcohol to drink away these thoughts as I stumble through the hallway knocking pictures of myself off of the wall not trying to catch them as they fall stepping on the glass then walking off
happiness seems infinite then the night turns I begin burning paper in my back yard I have nothing better to do and no one better to be with higher than anything I can see I am looking down at myself I can see everything so clear but I am always blurred out censored I am a puzzle I can not crack loving people and hating their memories I keep to myself but my mind crowds me with everyone I have lost pecking at me like a night bird asking questions about thoughts I try to drown it out with music but the alcohol that I am abusing reminds me that I have no clue as to what it is I am doing I do know that I am beginning to loathe this world you can not just be a recluse anymore I am even scared of seeing ghosts at the convenient store once I close my front door I feel that nothing and no one can come close and those ghosts are no more they are still knocking at my window I put my headphones on then stay out of view by sleeping on the floor