When I longingly look at size 0, double zero jeans, Doll clothes, for dainty ******* princesses, And shopping becomes the newest form of cruel and unusual punishment, It’s okay. Girls like me are like that, and Fat girls can’t have eating disorders.
When I skip a meal, or two, or three, Or live for a week on nothing but diet soda and apples, I think nothing of it, because You say fat girls can’t have eating disorders.
When my fingers go down my throat, shredding skin with ragged nails, And I obsessively rid myself of every single particle I am not sick. There is nothing wrong. Because You say fat girls can’t have eating disorders.
You look at me, at my ******* and thunder thighs, and stretch marks from head to toe, in all my imperfection and tell me Fat girls can’t have eating disorders.
You say fat girls can’t have eating disorders. Maybe. But really, This is just my polite way of suicide.
Needs a lot of work, but just my thoughts for today.