I am the pillow you scream into,
the wall you are punching through,
the highway you are speeding,
a hand on your shoulder,
the reminder that you exist,
I am the words, "******* world!"
with undertones of it being alright,
I am the rock you skip,
the ground that forces you to sit,
because your legs quit,
the perfect song playing at the worst times,
and the perfect poem with the worst rhymes,
I am the sigh of relief,
and the sun shining when the clouds are out,
I am the smile when you need to pout,
the distance,
and late night phone calls from friends you forgot,
but never stopped loving,
I am the photographs you hold,
and what the drug dealers sold,
I am the start it all over new,
I am the pillow you scream into.
I honestly don't know if I even get what I just wrote, but hey it has a nice ring to it.