six decades later i'm still saying i've read the bible not really. it was too big a tome to start with and to read along like a novel.
yes, there were lots of little stories that were drilled into us as guidelines to a better life but now at the *** end of life these stories have worn thin with the changing of the times. thank god.
all of us are prodigal sons in some way wallowed with pigs spread our wantonness swore and cussed been adulterous broken every commandment (except ******). and lived unholy lives when measured against biblical yardsticks.
so be it. imagine a world without sinners. can you? me? for sure, i am a sinner my yardstick is eternity long.
Author Notes
Yep.I own up. I was grinning when I wrote this poem. Just this morning I had two lovely people wander up to my doorstep, telling me where I was so wrong in my belief. I listened for a while. Then gave up. They had a colourful magazine, nice colourful ties and pink rosy cheeks too! But they were trying to change my pagan ways to their side of the fence of thinking.
I thought it was too late. As someone who knows how long his biblical yardstick is, there was really no point. I could argue till the cows came home and it wouldn't work. So, blah blah.blah.
They said what they had to say, i listened, now more convinced that the world is full of jokers like me!