I see you watching me closely hanging on the texts i type cause god know we don't talk at least not often
I know i could make you happy I know i seem like everything you want in life and maybe you have even imagined being my wife though you wouldnt admit to something so sappy
Im sorry thats all i can say but not to you cause then we would both have to acknowledge it what we both saw but knew are selves too well to pursue but i guess then again i always did encouraged you to try something new
but still im sorry everything i did may have seemed like folly but know everything you know is probably half true if even at all its cause i care for you as a friend that i decided to save you from the me you would hate it always ends bad and thats why i dont date
Just know I see you i see your pain i know you think your insane you think your feelings are in vain and that i'm a little vain just know not everything you see is true cause maybe not as much as you would like but i do think of you