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Jul 2014
you love her.

you loved me
6 years
4 months and 13 days.
you loved me.

you even loved me those nights you
found yourself on top of
another girl touching her
bare, unscarred hips
wrapping your hands around her neck
instead of mine
smelling & inhaling the scents that
seeped from her
every crevice of her
22 year old body
every ******* crevice

but you said
you still loved me.

1 year
7 months
11 days
here i am
you asked to see me and
i said okay.
but now you love

you undress me
examine me
"it's okay if i'm only looking"
"it's not cheating if i don't touch you"
and yet.
you touch me.

and i stand there
in front of you as you
tell me
how wonderful she is

but i love you
i've loved you for 6 years
4 months and 13 ******* days
you still ******* love her

you love her enough to stop
yourself from ******* me
from kissing me
enough to put my dress back on my
with those
calloused hands and
a tear in your ******* eye

you love her enough
to hold back
to remember
to prevent those scars that
you allowed me
to create so generously.

you love her.
more than you
ever loved
Written by
em  pennsylvania
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