A blind judge sat down on a throne high above the crowd "Life has begun, who would like to start?" in unison we all shouted "We would like to begin living!" The judge nodded, and having heard their voices allowed them passage to where life would begin. They left in happy clusters more and more till none were left- except me. "I would like to begin living!" I cried out but the blind judge sat still, having not heard me. I mustered all I could and cried out once more "Please! I'd like to live my life!" the judge stirred "Is it the wind, or a whisper? Have I heard a voice? Shout again if you are there," "I'm here I'm here!" I shouted with tears welling in my eyes. The judge sat back and quietly said to himself; "Must be the wind, simply resembling the sound ofΒ Β someone with not even the courage to sound their voice, a coward who shouts their soul but is too afraid they'll be heard, so unknowingly, they whisper." I began to cry and wail but my even my sobs were so quiet they were heard as nothing but the wind.
So I remained behind, clusters of newcomers who had the courage to be heard and thus the courage to live their lives passing through in steady streams. But I stayed, shouting till my voice should have been hoarse, but it wasn't hoarse, because I wasn't really shouting, in fact I wasn't even whispering. I wasn't saying anything. I was too afraid to be heard.