no- what are we doing??! i will not feel badly for you, or pretend to. yes- it's true i hope you lay awake at night resenting the constant reminder of your missing me, each time a rain drop hits the roof above your head. i will not be sorry. when you told my friend you're empty, when she showed me the messages of your admitting to needing me- i laughed for a solid 9 minutes. and i do not feel badly. i told you, i told you i told you LUST DOES NOT PREVAIL LOVE. i shouted it from rooftops, i yelled it into the phone, god ****** i tried. ' i told you so. ' this is not a math equation. and i'm no mathematician but you didn't believe me. i wont lie i hope it pains your heart to see me gone and alive and well, i hope you miss me more than the horizon misses the sun each night. i was your sun. i know that. now, wasn't it silly to think you could replace your sun with some star that attends the same school as you? i'm aware we don't reside in a heliocentric universe but **** do i know you need me.
do your day-drinking habits subdue the ache in your chest you're exposed to every time you find yourself sleepless for two days' length of time? i sure ******* hope so.