night of sonnets melting to haikus couplets nothing
rubies on my lips jewels I've never known on my hand
made me faint made my (day)dreams Technicolor
whispered villanelles buried them broken bones in sand
inhaled your language stored stories for next time
twenty-six things twenty-six letters play pause repeat
play pause repeat craved you smoke/drugs/*****
in eyes lost backs of knees fingers on spines
eleven fifty nine fifty nine reality soaks through
a ****** wound as the message in the bottle
you sway away fictional fading closed
Written: July 2014. Explanation: A poem written in my own time, another in the ongoing dream couple beach/sea series I am working on. What I am writing about is fictional, and yet extremely vivid in my mind, to the point where it almost feels real - the location, the couple, the textures of everything. Feedback on this poem, and others, is very welcome.