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Nov 2010
I’m on my knees before you,
Looking at your jeering face.
You don’t care.
I spent two years of my life,
With this moment in mind,
This moment where I finally hold you,
This moment where I finally,
Into your arms.
But this isn’t that moment I dreamed of.
This is a horrible reflection of it,
Where your hand isn’t caressing mine,
Your lips aren’t against mine,
Your arms aren’t around me –
Your hand is holding hers.
Your lips are against hers,
Your arms around her like you never want to let go.
I’ve slumped down to the bottom of my heart,
Searching for any sign that this was coming,
Any sign that this wasn’t real.
You were an amazing actress, my love.
You fooled the liar, the cheat, the fraud.
The one time when I was fully honest,
The one person I fully let in,
And you played with it – you used it for your amusement.
Every moment that you’re standing there,
Holding her to you,
Kissing her temple,
Your thumb rubbing against her palm,
Showing her all your love,
I die repeatedly.
I thought I could trust you…

Waking up in a cold sweat,
I cry out,
Feel for the wounds
Just to realize
They’re all on the inside.
Copyright 2010 Caitlin Wynkoop
Written by
Caitlin Wynkoop
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