And I have struggled through alcoholism And I have struggled with pain With guilt with blame I've even struggled with the thought of struggling And like a worm I wriggle and writhe through life Trying to shed the exuvia that I love inside to shine to the world my true scales My true merit Not what I am but what I want to be
Through struggle I've tugged through and dug through the coffins of friends Shackles of hardship And been drug down by the anchors of change and hardships of stains upon my heart and the hearts of others But I'm gunna dig my way to china Find all the things that are finer Release from gravity to sling shot altitude raising above the atmosphere as my guilt lifts My ballon I will hold to and hold floating swift to escape this earth with a lightness in my heart. I will bring that sun to all. I will raise my arm and grab at that fire ball to illuminate my loved ones. To bring back to the darkness of man the truth. To weigh upon the evil as the lead weight it laid upon me and dig those graves up. I will save my friends. I will make a new family. I will be my unfaltering hero I've always needed. And yours.