I would of stood still, and waited around for you for hours and minutes. As the clock would tick through the day, not knowing what was in it for me.
How I stopped you from bleeding to death. Though it is embarrassing how she took the knife away like a child. It is what she had to do. The scars would say it, and we had no knowledge of how to handle this agony and childishness.
As he complained again and again, as you made him drive around in all of tarnation to get you back on your feet. I waited no longer to say it, I did. It was hard, But I only did what I had to do.
They can all be mad, they will all wonder why, I let you go, there were no more chances, times, and tries.
Another chance is given, but I am no fit. Today I take my absence. It is shock, but relief.
I had to do it for me, know when enough is enough. Know when to say STOP.
Know, the limits. Know, the boundaries. Know, when you have to do it.