Look Around and Realize the Constants. The People, The Situations, Activities and Passions. Which Cause Your Smile to Shine so Brightly, So Easily. Then Decide to Keep Them.
Now, Take a Step Back To Realize all that You Want.
Thoughts course Daily. "I wish I could do This, Had Time for This, Wish I could be This Kind of Person. Or Live This Kind of Life".
Well, My un-wilting Flower. There is Nothing To Stop You. From Having Everything and More You Never Thought Possible.
The simple requirement is The Decision to Work For. Only Self Know True Desires.
Now, Surround Yourself with Longing Hearts Priorities Instead of Waiting... To Find You.
You Are the Center Magnet. You must Open Yourself To be Able To Attract Such Yearnings. Not closed off, Shrouded, Hidden. So Nothing Can Feel your Pull.