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Jul 2014
I'm just me and that's ok, I been through the fires and the storms, living my dream. I am who I am because of those experiences, sure they were painful and tearful, but now im living my life cheerful. This is my paradise, and this is only the beginning of it, any expectations or ideas I have probably don't even compete with anything I am going to accomplish in my future. I don't regret my past, because I can't change it, the only I can change is my future. I can't change anything but myself, and can't change anyone, but I can help them accomplish their goals. I don't want to fit in or be like anyone else, because I'm me and that's all im going to be. I found my magic, I have found this passion that fills me with joy. I thank God for the answer I was searching for.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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