Beautiful. Pretty. Gorgeous. The only words society ***** inward. These people on the road to success, Yes, they are beautiful.
Beautiful, thin, flawless. This is how women will soon be, Never considered anything but a doll. Some a rag doll, other porcelain.
Pretty will always only be a describing word, A word to describe your outer appearance. But women today strive for that little six-letter-word. Pretty.
Pretty is only a word with no meaning, What is pretty? Make up covering my face, and the “In” clothes today, Will I then be pretty?
Beautiful, so abstract, so unidentified. Society will tell you how to be beautiful. Wear this, walk like this, and only say this. Then you will be beautiful.
Merely a six letter word is pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty. And as my syllables begin to add up, I will soon be considered beautiful.
Walking in the shadow of other girls’ beauty. Someday people will see beauty, Someday people will know pure beauty. Society must know that they were wrong.
Someday society will see that they are the ugly ones. Pretty is no longer a word. This word means absolutely nothing. And I will yell until you listen.
Beautiful. Pretty. Gorgeous. Society, YOU were wrong about beauty. It’s not how you appear on the outside, But you will never know pretty.