New kid on the block, where did you go, to where did you walk? We used to be friends for hours we would talk!
But there you are, no longer abiding at your once was abode, to whom shall I call now, when I walk this weary road?
There you were, my friend of the block, you were outside on all hours! Tick Tock Tick Tock.
We used to play outside, as boyhood friends would always do, I would show you the town but you would invent someplace new!
We made this small town our own little playground, when a building was put up, we made sure to be there, when another was torn down!
New kid, on the block I remember when you kept, a stash of goods just behind your sock, just enough, for you alone, I didn't know what it was, but I wish I had known.
New kid on the block we've had a blast, that much I can say, but now even night must come, and chase the day.
I'm sorry it ended.. i'm so sorry it ended... that it had ended this way.
To the New Kid on the Block... Tick Tock Tick Tock