It was in total a fast track ticket to the moon and I can't return to transaction dock 8 too soon the star checkout lane at my local supermarket tops balloons with rocket science aeronautics that pilot's service areas binary counter perfect exceeding expectations bent into global orbit
My items sped along to muzak her slim milky way belt a smile beaming discount countdowns heaven sent taking off in bit lips when her priceless item buttons almost burst free to air with a strain of special promotions helpfully assisting my every excess flight of fancy made impulse buys a baggage allowance necessity
She stroked parts of her radical laser station to fully engage hygienic wiped spills of imagination and I felt the warp of hyperdrive tangelo engines urging me into a dive to scan juice ripe tangerines a last minute save fuelled by stalling flashback cavities gyrating in tight nets as we escaped earth's gravity
With a twist of her wrist I was into fits-the-bill ecstasy as the whirr of electronics cut loose such quality with a lick of an index finger our mission was bagged handled too efficiently for any danger of jet lag no flyby chance to not exchange standby coupons my trolley emptied of offers too galactic to pass on