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Jul 2014
She was fluffy like a cotton ball, as cute as a summer salad
but she had a vicious bark. It rang out loud across the street
and got your teeth on edge, all the time.

My cat played innocent. She was cute too.
Somehow she had learned to walk along the fence
uncaring little beauty
got  this shrieking, frisky little pom
jumping up and down and snarling
at poor little Tiggy. My innocent Tiggy.

There was nothing I could do
to train Tiggy to behave.
She hated dog biscuits, hated being disturbed
while she steadily walked along the fence
and never came home until she did the same trick
a few time each evening.

That's what you call a catwalk.
Brave, majestic, brutal! ****  Tiggy.

The day I went over to complain to the neighbour
about the dog barking. She looked at me long and hard.

"It was your cat that was barking"
I scratched my head and walked home defeated.
Lesson number 1: Never argue with a womans logic!
PomCat, TomCat or RomCat. They always win.

Author Notes ISBN 9781493137848

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 2 months ago
Marshall Gass
Written by
Marshall Gass  Auckland New Zealand
(Auckland New Zealand)   
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