I'm finding myself with writers block because all I seem to find inspiration in is the color of my skin Or being black to be exact Or what it's like to be young and African American and in this great country I become frustrated that this is what I write about it this is what I feel the need to speak on that this is what my soul is finding refuge to release Sometimes I think I'm getting repetitive but I'm realizing if young unjust black deaths didn't happen so often maybe I wouldn't have to write about them maybe if my young unarmed black brothers weren't murdered in vain maybe if I heard black praise more than blacks blazed maybe if less mothers didn't have to to bury their sons Then and only maybe then would I be able to write about something different, maybe then would I sleep at night, but probably not Because whether racism is forward or passive it's still closer than you think the amount of melanin in my skin is slim but it still runs deep and because I'm mixed people like to think I'm being over dramatic or I'm making it up because "I'm only half black so why would I get any back lash" but it's not about that full or half To white people I'm still black And to some people it's alarming that I have a dad Yellow or brown African blood still runs through my veins, I feel my queens weep when the white girl in the suburban locks her doors when I cross the street when black men say they would never date a black woman because she is loud and indiscreet when four black boys in a Cobalt going the speed limit are pulled over and policed one time I overheard someone say "it's time to get over slavery I mean I would own one too for what it's worth" This **** is the reason why I lose sleep like every night this week sometimes I feel my queens' tears down my cheek she screams as she is being penetrated by the patrol as her husband and children see "just so you know whose in charge" he whispers as she weeps and we should "get over it" whipped and *****, beaten and dehumanized 3 centuries and they act like it was 3 days And they like to say that so much has changed just because we're not in chains Yet we're restricted or ridiculed politically, socially and economically we are Emmet Till still On our road to progression A brown president and we are still considered an infection We are still the threat And they have disregarded their debt This is the blissful ignorance I live with And the growing terror my words attempt to change