The first time I met the Specialist he shut me up with a bunch of big words which I never found in any poem. Anywhere. (So I swore I would break the rules and write a poem on painkillers. One day)
He had a knack of pressing a rib and complaining about my foot. He touched my head and told me how badly battered my kidneys were.
I marvelled at this transmigration of ailments from one body part to another. ( but I never dared ask him to spell it, in case he got it right) I knew for sure that big sounding sicknesses always produced hefty bills to pay the smiling receptionist who took my CreditCard with nicely painted and sharpened) fingernails ( that she may have used as a weapon) if the specialist got high on any of his own pills! ( it was only a suspicion) I have no notes to prove anything.
The Specialist was my friend, so he said but I wondered many times why he never remembered my first name.
The last time I saw the specialist he was racing down the motorway with the sharp painted nails lady and they were both smiling.