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Jun 2014
Maybe tomorrow we can talk
But for tonight, just leave me alone
Let me just go for that walk
Right now I need to be on my own

I know things have been hard for us
Both for me and for you
And I know, tomorrow will come
And you will tell me the truth

We used to spend hours here
Breathing side by side
And now the only thing I want
Is to get you out of my sight

Is this what they warned me about
All those years ago
How someone you could have loved
Sometimes find somebody else to hold

I don't think forgiveness is in the cards
So I am leaving this scar open
And I hope that when I tell you
You will remember, my heart is broken

Tonight while you're out with your friends
I will silently be packing my things
Living before the morning comes

- Because, *I refuse to be one of your regrets
Mette Kirkegaard
Written by
Mette Kirkegaard  Denmark
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