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Jun 2014
Yes, I like you.
My feelings go a little deeper than that.

But I'm afraid to tell you because

I have a few extra inches on my waist
I don't have a gap between my thighs.
Sometimes when I speak my double chin pops out.
And my cheek bones don't protrude from my face.

It shouldn't matter though
Because those things don't affect the way I feel.

When you look into my brown eyes, you can still read the novels of my life and my lips can still recite the poetry about your smile.
My hands can still keep yours warm and our bodies can fit together perfectly, almost be mistaken as one.

The size of my jeans won't affect my voice when I tell you how you make me feel, or the way the sun just doesn't shine as bright when you're around.

It doesn't make me different.
It doesn't make me strange.
It simply means there's more of me for you to love.
Written by
Schanzé  Cisgender Female/South Africa
(Cisgender Female/South Africa)   
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