in the quiet construction of man
different parts,
assembled, evolutionary designed,
even mostly, interchangeable,
you know their names,
the alphabet of our bodies
none of them any good,
separated, divided,
only in combination,
can the ineffable factor,
or whatever you,
to call it,
sneak in and embolden it
with glorious humanity
which comes unique to each,
though they call it common,
since we are of one plan,
no better than each other,
yet each of us a distinct district
this mismatchedΒ
compare and contrasting miracle,
is where
my waking thoughts,
my ineffable factor,
take this body,
this quiet construction,
the shell of him,
observes the "sovereign sun"
coming from under the water
in its preeminence,
to give new names to newborns,
day, world and more
the "sovereign sun". I read this phrase yesterday in one of your poems, but can't recall thanks and my apology...