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Jun 2014
what feeling
    like a chunk of gum
numbed    by a dentist
     knowing Santa isn’t real
     milk    and cookies

     lost in streets
    darkness thrills    you
chills you
   as rain on the first day
of spring
    love is a mystery
odd   one   out
among liars

and   yet

    feels red
when windows   creak
   open to greet mornings
musty     novels
wedged like teeth in boxes
     take them  
just a pound

slivers of kindness
   smiles to say  
   I know     me too
smell handwritten letters
     phone-calls under    swathes
     of duvet
     at midnight
to someone
their name sounds   just   right

pangs of solitude
   muted by a voice
a touch
     some words
   thrown      together
Written: June 2014.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time (perhaps not as strong as I would've liked) - not sure how long I shall be continuing with this particular style. 'Locitement' is not a real word, rather a word 'created' by myself - a feeling of deep loneliness, coupled with a strange feeling of excitement at what lies ahead.
Reece AJ Chambers
Written by
Reece AJ Chambers  31/M/Northamptonshire, England
(31/M/Northamptonshire, England)   
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