Bloomy as it seems the road to perdition Hastening, excitingly we match on in a Merry Thought we toll in a roll to heaven Little do we know that we sojourn down to Hell. At sights we see tormenting pleasures A glance or twice couldn't quench our urges Its succulent touch mount in deep to our soul Little do we know That we re riding down to hell The merry that flows through our vein in oneness The lap dance that stir up intriguing moments Driving our thoughts towards the gate of Hails Little do we know that we head to an Halt
As time passes by,distance wails Awaken me And alas, it dawn on me that those that we ride Are but no more
The pleasure got cut with aching teeth gnashing in distress The intrigue moments fades at I stare At the gate of shadow Locked with doom, agony and despair.
Seven devils bound the wretch with nine cords, and dragged him from the road to heaven, in which he had professed to walk, and ****** him through the back-door into hell. Mind that back-way to hell!!