In a tsunami of turquiose and honest Smiles, you sing silently of Anything but tragedies us others wave Like flags before us, Until asked.
The oldest young person I know, And we laugh together across The oceans between us. Making noise; annoying haters. We could be the coolest cats in the world, If we cared to.
But we'd rather curl up under My raindeer- and sheep skins by the Fire. I'll temper mead; it'll warm you. We could watch snow falling, lit from the window By which it fell. Then suit up in the morning
And make angels and snowmen with the landlord's Daughter. I'll throw so many snow ***** in the Back of your head you'll be curly for Months. Trust me. I'm Norwegian. You're dead...
You'd love it. Summers are green and blue. Life in the city electric. Ice cream and cold, cold beer. Out here, so quiet you can hear a thousand birds, a Myriad of scents; freshness; organic.
This could be our happy place. Our Safe Haven; our Sweet Away. I'd read to you. Write about you. We'd paint together in the fall. When all is red and auburn.
But there's distance between us As wide as worlds. For now I'll enjoy it alone. Arms open on Demand.
You have to stay where your life is. And myself without the pleasure of Making all your worries whisper away on the wind.
Girl, may you never be cold. Never sad again. May the life you are so full of Repay you with bliss. With love. With laughter. Oceans of giggles and hugs in The sunshine.
I wish you so well it hurts. Yes, I may think you are some sort of magic woman. Everything you touch Loves you.