Forever. Come with an insight burrowing deep beneath the psyche stable and strong with rich meaning its purpose tenfold.
Those which decay do not hold court in my thinking. Vanquished, they disappear. Permanently.
I keep the ones that stand out like delicate pieces of art, petals and lips and symbols imbued with poetic life strong.
I see them all the time the ones that do not understand what life sparks mean to an eagle encircling a rugged terrain with crisp prey time movement.
Within all the *** pourri of mush and moonbeams rises one that spreads wings and flies with eagles leaving kitchen hands to clean tables.
I could name a hundred sacred poets who have shared me with imagination and a thousand more who have refused to ride the thermals safely tucked in comfort zones of silly comments.
Blaze the world. Break you bonds in the blood of knowing more!