Sometimes it takes more than just a whisper to calm the storm inside. A mere touch couldn't quench the thirst that dries her out. A word could dare put out the fire that ravages her soul. And yet underneath all that prowess her eyes yearn to tell another tale. As the light would fade out and bring in the darkness, As the sun goes out to give way to the night, Her name could twist and twirl the very ends of your hair. She was everything the earth, fire, water and wind Combined, to leave you hollow and empty within.
She was all things terrible, rip you apart, fighting for your very own breath. The hurt you felt when you gazed into her eyes Yet the touch of sweet death, to delude your senses unrefined.
She was all things beautiful, her soul tarnished but divine. Her voice beckoning like a song, A song, putting you to sleep, On a cold winter's night.