619 Miles 9 hours and 38 minutes The distance that separates myself and the girl I can’t take my mind off of. Because It is said that for one person There is another built to fit perfectly Woven together on a planet of billions A soul mate. Now that is cheesy and completely absurd, Especially for an asexual…. But I’ve never felt this way, About anyone. Especially not….a girl. Heterosexuality has been the one term that has defined me My whole life. For 14 years I was sick at the idea of being anything but. But that word is floating further into oblivion. Echoes of my parent’s homophobic hatred. Palms start to sweat as I blush like crazy, Staring at a computer screen that has never been more important My heart seems to leap out of my chest. And, it is just so absurd for me to feel this way, Because she is just so amazing, And I am average at best. But it is insane for me to care about her as much as I do. Having known her for 24 hours But she gets me, through each letter we seem to read unwritten messages. As I get to learn more and more about her The more I wish she was here. Because she is the one girl I’d actually take the chance with The one I wouldn’t be afraid to tell my parents about. My chance to escape this closet I've hidden in my whole life, And it is impossible to comprehend How she could ever feel the same way. Why she would ever feel the same way. Because 9 hours and 38 minutes The distance that separates myself and the girl I can’t take my mind off of.
This poem isn't great, more bursts of emotion than anything else.