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Jun 2014
What's been Done, is Done, lest you hit Rewind.
The Default button is Play, Now, and Now, and Now, Everyday.
Some can find Fast~forward, that takes a forward kinda Mind, with Vision that looks a Mile down the Freeway, not just up ahead at the beat up Chevy on the Street right in front of You.
If You  like to press that button a lot, you get to knowing what's coming. You're still in the present but the Future's in Your Sight. It can save You from Trouble, move a few lanes over, miss the pile up a mile up ahead. And that's just staying with the positive end of that Spectrum.  
Now, Pause gets tricky, sticky, usually interesting, but certainly dangerous.
I suggest You only press that One when you have to use the bathroom or get a soda from the fridge.
In the case you've played the fast~forward game so long, that you've found yourself too far up ahead,
You can always press the Pause button, knowing you'll have lots of time to fill, and If you tend to have self destructive or addictive traits or just tend to self isolate, this Pause can Cause Pure Chaos and it will all fall down on You, in your Head, in your Mind, with no one there to save You from Yourself.
Remember, you're still so far ahead, and completely Alone.
So, If you survive Yourself long enough for someone to finally catch up, they probably won't understand You or how You got in your Situation.
Hopefully, they'll have a care for your strange affair and help You to Un~pause, get You Unstuck and moving again with the rest of Them. That's a Blessing, and shouldn't be taken lightly.
Run along and Live in the Now, oh, and stay away from the Stop. That One must be respected and Solely reserved for God.
I'm an Engineer, I like to See how **** Works or Doesn't
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