Wind always knows it limitation as it writes its swirling scripts upon threadbare roof. Lamentations for the fields of empty prairies as the dry leaves rustle in strings of grass…
i do not know my boundaries the geographical shapes of my darkness for life has been left empty with only a puppy of narrowness to feed scraps of plain verse too. How the tail wagged for years as empty …
i light candles like images on the window of my smile for the sputter of light is much more reassuring than the breathless darkness.
i recite my own alphabets that i have hidden in the mysteries of my throat and marvel as the moonlight passes through the simple words the trellises of upper and lower case
Shades i have formed with my craftless hands and letters speak upon the glass of outside like frost for i have found my true words and they fit my squalor with a strength of calmness for darkness cannot abide in smallness so it leaves me as the darkest raven ever imagined…