There's a breeze coming from the window The cold gives me chills, goosebumps My hair is ice now Ignoring all the reality noises that comes from the kitchen The wind feels like home Maybe because it has the same temperature of my heart Put my body against the window, it's never close enough The sky was dark blue when I started writing this, now it's totally black There is no stars, I can't see the moon Maybe death is just like that, in a blink of an eye you're gone There's no stars, no moon, no noises, no kitchen, no window, just wind You close your eyes and for the last 3 seconds of life You finally can feel something true You finally see something beautiful Something that is worth telling others Something that would inspire the whole world You see how beautiful the end is, but the end ends too fast
It's too late.
And there's no breeze coming from the window for you anymore.