Check your back pockets. Did you check them? Because I think you might have left your mind in there. Since you can't find it anymore, I've learned its always a good thing to check your back pockets- before you wash yourself out. Because maybe then your mind will end up being banged against loose change, wrapped and unwrapped in receipts and gum wrappers.
Just like mine was. Now my whole worlds been dyed pink with confusion that bleeds through that one red sock of a mind of mine.
Don't be silly. Don't obstinate. Check those back pockets of yours. You might find it befriending some lint in the left back pocket of some jeans left on the bathroom floor for the past week and a half. Stuck there, having been kicked around by fumbling feet that ***** in the darkness at night; Splashed with hot water and trampled on by moist feet fresh out of a scolding shower. check them. I'll wait.