Learning could be fun Learning could get boring Learning is way of obtaining knowledge But society expects us to gain a certain type of knowledge This learning is supposedly the only way for us to be successful But is it really? Society does not understand that it is not everyone who is able to survive through this learning But they still judge and cast shame upon you This type of learning puts so much pressure on you That you end up feeling not good enough Yes it's great for your future somehow and enables you to engage in all types of conversions But it oppresses our mentalities and curbs us from reaching our fullest potential Other things are looked down upon because of this learning Parents do not allow us to pursue other things because of this learning "My daughter is not a dancer" "My son is not an artist" This learning seizes us from freedom But is set out to be light and a form of liberation I am grateful for having this type of learning and yes it teaches me a lot But I want to be what I want to be I don't just want to impress this learning I want to be greater than this learning hence I believe it is not the only usher to my success I want to build me and leave my own indigenous legacy This learning is EDUCATION