Everything ingested in this life,
Talkin' food, talkin' trash,
Talkin' *****, talkin' flash in the pan,
Talkin' employment, talkin' deployment,
Writing poetry for enjoyment,
Reading poetry as a dΓ©nouement,
All I get lately in my feed is discontented,
Children of a higher need,
Boys my age, Boys my age,
Who prove they are not sage,
As to have their testosterone,
weep onto the
electronic page,
where growing up is hard to do,
gland gestures, put in words,
no sign of feathers,
the birds have flocked off,
to find another victim.
It is called poetry,
Not immaturity,
Again into anonymity,
Maybe you don't know
Which one of your personalities is in control?
If the shoe fits, where it and
If it has feathers like a duck, and fly's like a duck and quacks like a ......., guess what....