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Jun 2014
When I was a kid I (a list of why i ****);
-stole money from the change jar for soda and told my dad I found the money on the street
-watched as my friend cut himself with a paper clip in sixth grade so a girl would think he was and have a crush on him
-watched and laughed as my friend spray painted the ground and a person's house
-watched and said nothing as my friend stole headphones from my tech teacher in 8th grade
-joined in along with a group of friends and tossed glass bottles around, letting them crash and then run
-joined along side a group of people and mocked my so called 'friend' for his disability, then talked him out of suicide later on that year
-broke a fence along with my friends that held dogs inside of it, and then ran as they broke out and chased us, along side a very busy avenue
-threw snowballs at buses, aiming for the windows
-watched and encouraged my friend to leave objects such as mouse traps (with dead mouses on them) on cars parked on the street
-drew ***** on papers and stuffed them in my 7th grade teacher's locker; let my friend take the blame and get sent out of class
-ripped up my friend's classwork and let him get out of class for it
-watched as my friend dated a girl head over heels for him just for ***
-watched as my friend began to ruin her life; said nothing
y i k e s
Written by
y i k e s  24/F/Everywhere
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