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Nov 2010
mY purp0se in LiFe ~
t0 hEaL thE 0neS tHat huRt ~
& fiLL thE eMptY sPaCeS
s0me maY nEeD!
Your 'bad'-weatHer fRieNd ~
I wiLL aLwaYs bE!!

& onCes uR sMilliNg ~
& mY j0b iS d0ne ~
I'll m0ve 0n t0 thE neXt oNe!

s0 d0nt ya w0rrY ~
wHen uR saD
I'll bE rigHt tHeRe..
h0ldiNg uR haNd! ;-)
Vilene Joubert
Written by
Vilene Joubert
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