Peep show girl, bedroom goddess, ***** ***** gem Stripped of nylons and grayed tweeds Her hair wet from the hot, steamy shower
She smells of Sand and Sable and sweet strawberry conditioner Her plump **** and full, swinging ******* the towel hits the floor He likes her like this, soft and curvy, still damp
How she moves holds his attention, her lovely female power Laughter bubbles in her throat, her eyes inviting him Without hesitation he's seduced by the absence of words
He kisses her neck, just below the ear, he feels her softly sigh Closer they move, closing the space, his body stretched & flushed Hands in her hair, her scent mixing with his, he flows toward her
What she isn't; slim and angled, so satisfies him he revels in her Her lushness stimulates him beyond the physical, heightens him Here it is warm-here she is free-here she believes she is beautiful
They part, she glows and he smiles, she's still damp but from him She tucks herself lazily into his side, he likes her like this too Simple, lovely in sleep's repose...she is his, all of her, all of her