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Jun 2014
this is not even a poem
this is what I want
I want you to make love to me
I want someone to write poems on my skin with their lips
I want you to kiss me so hard that we start to breathe the same air
hold me so tight that I can literally feel your love
grab my hips with such passion that I feel it burning through your fingertips
crave me so hard that I can see the longing in your eyes
make me feel it when you touch me
and take your time, why do people like to rush nowadays?
explore my skin and show me things I never knew was there
i will leave scratches on your back and bruises on your heart
I just wanna feel your skin on mine and kiss your lips and make you forget all of the bad things in the world for a little while
so let’s love each other so hard that we get distracted and forget about who broke us for a little bit
and don't give me any flowers
make them grow inside me

Written by
Kay-Ann  F/Miami
     antxthesis, Zachary G, --- and ---
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